Table of Contents
IntroductionAuthenticationAPI Home (/oslc)QueryingCreate and updateDeletingActionsAutomation ScriptsBulkAttachmentsDistinctSaved QueriesFile OperationsAPI Keys
Significantly enhanced support for querying Maximo data - subselects, related object queries,
multi-attribute text search, custom queries (java/scripting).
- Support for system level actions - bookmarking, notifications, e-sig, image association and so on.
- Tight integration to automation scripts - query, actions, custom APIs.
- Enhanced REST support for Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) standard services - support
JSON data type for those service methods.
- Metadata support using JSON schema.
- Supports dynamic query views.
- Support for GROUP BY queries.
- Supports custom JSON elements that are appended to the object structure JSON.
- Integration with the Maximo Asset Management cache framework.
- Integration with Maximo Asset Management formulas.
- Integration with federated Maximo business objects (MBOs)
You can also download the official document from below
Native authentication
With native authentication, Maximo Asset Management is configured to manage the user repository along with the user credentials. The REST API expects the HTTP request with a MAXAUTH request header that has a base64 encoded
. The following example shows a sample request:POST /oslc/login
maxauth: <base64 encoded user:pass>
<no body required>
LDAP based authentications
- BASIC authentication
With BASIC authentication, authentication credentials in the application server are presented in
the following format:
POST /oslc/login
Authorization: BASIC <base64 encoded user:pass>
<no body required>
- Form Authentication
With FORM authentication, authentication credentials are presented in the following format:
POST /j_security_check
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Since this FORM request is a form encoded POST, the user ID and password values need to be URL encoded values. The response for this request will have the
cookie along with Ltpa token
cookies (for Websphere). These cookies need to be reused for the subsequent API callsAPI Home (/oslc)
The API root URL is
. A GET call on the API root fetches a JSON object with necessary links to get the details of the current Maximo runtime environment. Explore the links like systeminfo
, whoami
, installedProducts
, serverMembers
APIs along with details like the current date time, language, and the calendar of the deployed Maximo system. The following list describe these API links:systeminfo
: The GET/oslc/systeminfo
API provides the system information JSON for the deployed Maximo instance
: The GET/oslc/whoami
API provides the profile JSON for the user that is logged in
: The GET/oslc/products
API provides the list of installed add-ons for Maximo Asset Management
: The GET/oslc/members
API is the root API for the Maximo Management Interface (MMI)
The response JSON contains the list of live Maximo servers as per the Maximo serversession table. Note that it takes some time for the Maximo runtime environment to detect a down server and hence it is possible that the response shows some servers that may not be operating at that instant.
The resulting JSON will have links to drill down into individual servers and examine the various aspects of the Maximo runtime server health, such as memory, MBO count, integration caches, threads, and database connections.
: The GET/oslc/license
API provides the list of available license keys for the various
Maximo components in this deployment.
: The GET/oslc/apimeta
API provides the metadata for all the object structures that are API eligible, that is the usewith value of reporting, integration and oslc
The metadata for each object structure includes the schema information as well as the available queries (saved queries). Additionally, the metadata provides the creation API URL and the (security) authorization application name
Being able to fetch data from related objects leveraging existing Maximo relationships without
additional configuration
GET /oslc/os/mxasset?,location,description,status&oslc.pageSize=10
and totalPages
are not displayed by default. You can enable totalCount andtotalPages by including the query parameter
.Personally this can cause the server to get stuckIf you set the
system property to 1, the totalCount and totalPagesparameters are included by default as part of the responseInfo.
Database aggregation functions
Maximo REST API supports using database aggregation (
, sum
, count
, and exists
) functions on related MboSets. For example, to apply these functions on the open work orders for an asset, allthe aggregation functions are used in the following API
GET /oslc/os/mxasset/{restid}?,openwo.actlabhrs._dbavg,openwo.actlabhr
The format for the
functions is <relation name>.<target attrname>.<operation>
.Note that the supported operations are dbsum (for sum), dbavg (for avg), dbmax (for max) and dbmin (for min). The format is always a dot (.) separated by a three token format that includes
Using where clause
Use the
query parameter. In the example, the whereclause filters assets that are based on locations and the asset status.GET /oslc/os/mxasset?oslc.where=status="OPERATING" and location.status="OPERATING"
The locations MBO is not part of the
object structure. The format for the dot notation(
) is <rel1>[.rel2]*.attr1
. As you can make out, the dot notation can be nested. Operator for filtering
This query language is data type sensitive and the double quotes "" is used for character based
attributes and for dates (ISO Format). Boolean values are always represented either as
(no quotes)For the LIKE clause, you can use the following variations:
If you want to use starts with:
If you want to use ends with:
To use
value queries, you can use the star (*
) notation. For example, a not null check iscompleted by using the following format where - status is not null.
If you want to use the is null check:
If you want to ise a not in clause, you can use the following format:
location!= “[BR300,BR400]”
Note that this not in clause currently only works for ALN attributes.
Double quotes "" is used for character based attributes and for dates (ISO Format e.g.
). Numeric values are represented in their corresponding ISO formats (that is non localized format). Boolean values are always represented either as 1/0 or true/false (no quotes).oslc.where=status in ["OPERATING","ACTIVE"] and priority=3 and statusdate>"ISO date
string" and linear=false
Using Range Filters
Range filters are used to support range based queries. For example, if you want to only get assets
within a certain date range and priority range, you can use this feature.
oslc.where=priority>1 and priority<=3 and
installdate>="1999-02-06T00:00:00-05:00" and
JSON schema
GET /oslc/jsonschemas/mxwodetail
Create and update
For update use
x-method-override: PATCH
to return attributes after an update use
proporties: * or names
An extra request header called
is used with a value of MERGE
. This instructs the server to match the child objects - like assetmeter with the existing`assetmters` for this asset. If a match is found, that assetmeter gets updates with the request assetmeter.POST /oslc/os/mxasset
"description":"my first asset"
DELETE /oslc/os/<os name>/{rest id}
You get a response of 200 OK if the delete is successful. Starting 7608 you are able to do the same by using the following API:
POST /oslc/os/<os name>/{rest id}
x-method-override: PATCH
To see the available actions for an object structure. Use any existing wonum or id
GET /oslc/os/mxwo?oslc.where=wonum="1001"&oslc,select=allowedactions
Invoking Non Interactive Workflows
To invoke
workflow for the asset:POST <uri of the asset 1001>?action=workflow:ABC
x-method-override: PATCH
Actions Using Java
Add WebMethod to any existing Maximo application service by extending the service class and adding a method. This example is from extending the Workorder Service
public void approve(@WSMboKey(value="WORKORDER") MboRemote wo, String memo) {
wo.changeStatus("APPR",MXServer.getMXServer().getDate(), memo);
To invoke a web method. Also set the request header
for invoking this action API, as this is operating on an existing mboPOST <uri of the workorder 1001>?action=wsmethod:approve
x-method-override: PATCH
Actions can be also defined in object structures application
Actions using Automation Scripts
- Create → Script For Integration. Select object structure, type of script as Action Processing
- In Object Structure application. Select the Action Definition action and set the script as an action to the object structure. Name the action same as the name of the script

For example,
Invoke this script similar to the following request:
POST <uri of the asset 1001>?action=TEST
x-method-override: PATCH
Automation Scripts
var resp = {};
var site = request.getQueryParam("site");
var woset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("workorder",request.getUserInfo());
var woCount = woset.count();
resp.wocount = woCount;
var srset = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("sr",request.getUserInfo());
var srCount = srset.count();
resp.srcount = srCount; = srCount + woCount;
var responseBody = JSON.stringify(resp);
To invoke
GET /oslc/script/countofwoandsr?site=ABC
POST oslc/os/mxasset
X-method-override: BULK
"assetnum": "test-5", "siteid": "BEDFORD", "description": "TS test 5"}
}, {
"assetnum": "test-6", "siteid": "BEDFORD", "description": "TS test 6" }
GET oslc/os/mxasset/{rest id}/doclinks/{id}
GET /os/mxapiasset?distinct=siteid&oslc.where=...
Also workflow management is there too
Saved Queries
Getting available queries for a OS
GET oslc/apimeta/mxasset
The response will be like
"queryCapability": [
{ "ispublic": true,
"name": "All",
"href": ".../oslc/os/mxasset"
{ "ispublic": true,
"name": "publicAssets",
"javaMethod": true,
"href": ".../oslc/os/mxasset?savedQuery=publicAssets"
Query method in java
This query is defined in object structure’s definition class. It is sourced from an annotated method name.
public void publicAssets(MboSet assetSet) throws MXException, RemoteException
String whereusercust="assetnum not in (select assetnum from assetusercust)";
Query method in Automation Scripts
This configuration allows for more complex queries than are normally supported by a query clause.
The creation of a script for an object structure can be defined as a query clause. When you define a
script as a query clause, the script can be configured as an object structure query for use with the
Object Structure saved queries
GET /oslc/os/mxasset?savedQuery=ITSTOCK
GET /oslc/os/mxasset?savedQuery=KPI:ASSETKPI
File Operations
POST oslc/os/mxapimeter?action=importfile&lean=1
TEMP-F2,GAUGE,,Temperature in Fahrenheit2,DEG F
to any rest call to export as CSVGET
API Keys
When an API key is assigned to the external client, the external client can access and interact with data in the Maximo system by using the API key as an apikey query parameter or an apikey request header in REST API calls.